Dr James Matthews


DPhil Projects for 2024 start

I'm delighted to be offering two DPhil projects in the University of Oxford Astrophysics sub-department for a 2024 start. The project descriptions can be found on the Oxford Astro webpage under Galaxies and High-Energy Astrophysics. The main project I'm offering is "Studying the accretion-outflow connection in Active Galactic Nuclei with large observational surveys", with Professor Matt Jarvis as a co-supervisor. I'm also second supervisor on a project with Professor Rob Fender called "Scaling black hole accretion and jet formation from stellar-mass to supermassive black holes". The first project is more observational and will use multi-wavelength survey data to test models for accretion and outflow physics in AGN. The second project has a greater emphasis on numerical techniques although will still require careful consideration of observational constraints.

Lower down on this page I've simply posted a few links to talks I've given or reading material that might provide useful context on the two projects and give you a feel for the kind of work we would be doing together. You can also view my poster on the first project.

Alternatively you can read about my research in general on my homepage, or watch some movies of hydrodynamic simulations of AGN jets.

If you have questions about the projects, please don't hesitate to email me.


james.matthews [at] physics [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk

Oxford Astrophysics
The Denys Wilkinson Building, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH

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Further Reading and Useful Links

Matthews et al. 2019. Simulations of powerful AGN jets including a study of the particle acceleration that goes on in the shocks produced by the jet and resulting backflow.

Temple, Matthews et al. 2023. Testing accretion and outflow models with quasar demographics.

Rankine, Matthews et al. 2021. An observational study of the radio and UV properties of quasars at cosmic noon.

Matthews et al. 2020. A review of particle acceleration in astrophysical jets.

Hardcastle & Croston 2020. A review paper about radio galaxies.